WaveForms Tools with the AD2 and EEBoard: The Power Supplies

Episode 5 of the Waveforms 2015 blog series is all about the Power Supplies.

The Analog Discovery 2 power supply window.
The Analog Discovery 2 power supply window.

The power supply tool is the only Waveforms tool with significant differences between the Analog Discovery, Analog Discovery 2, and Electronics Explorer Board.

The Analog Discovery power supply window.
The Analog Discovery power supply window.
The Electronics Explorer Board power supply window.

The power supply tool is probably the simplest Waveforms tool to use. The control options are simple and easy, and the extra options for EE Board are not cumbersome or difficult to understand.

For a more in depth, albeit short, tutorial on how to use the Power Supplies tool, check out my Instructable!

“Bench top power supplies are one of the must-haves for any electronics hobbyist or maker. But they take up space, which for people like me with limited space, that can be a big problem. With the Analog Discovery 2 and Waveforms 2015, you can bundle multiple tools together in one small package, including an adjustable power supply.”



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